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Why You Should Use Investor Carrot Websites | Dave Brown

Why You Should Use Investor Carrot Websites

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Investor Carrot Websites

Investor Carrot is a well designed real estate investor website platform built off of the WordPress platform.  If you are familiar with WordPress and have used it be you know how easy and powerful it is.  Investor Carrot uses the most important  capabilities of WordPress and helps real estate investors get found on the internet and at the top of the search engines by utilizing the concept of content / inbound marketing.

Here is why you should use Investor Carrot Websites!

Here is rundown of everything that I like about the Investor Carrot Real Estate Investor Website Platform…

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Well Designed Real Estate Investor Websites 

Full Featured Great Looking Real Estate Investor Website or Websites – These websites are not only easy and fast to get up but they look great too.

The websites are designed to convert traffic into leads.  All the content and pages are laid out with purpose and thought, including:  Testimonials, Downloadable Guides, smartly placed contact forms, and very targeted keyword content based off of the organic real estate investor SEO strategies.  The websites are not only elegant but they are also effective and come prebuilt with content that converts.  There are real estate investor investor websites for whatever you need.  Websites for buyers, sellers, multi-family, lease option, and more.  The Investor Carrot / On Carrot websites are optimized for mobile devices!  All InvestorCarrot websites are fully responsive for all screen sizes. Plus, you can receive updates about new real estate leads straight to your cell phone the second they come in.  They’ve designed the websites so it is very easy for you to quickly update your branding, edit 100% of all of the content, build credibility, add videos, pictures, and a lot more.

Real Estate Investor Search Engine Optimization 

Investor Carrot websites are SEO optimized out the gate to help you rank higher for your local keywords.  Ranking well in the search engines for your real estate investing websites can be a complicated thing… but a high ranking could turn into a steady stream of profitable deals each and every month for you.  The marketing methodology is all about real estate investor inbound marketing.  What is inbound marketing?  You can read more about that here.   But in a nut shell it’s all about ranking organically at the top of the search engines by creating content and articles based upon what sellers and buyers are actually typing into the search engines.  Investor Carrot has made this process extremely easier for you.  You see…the real estate investor websites comes with a built in blog and SEO Tools that can help you optimize and rank better in the search engines.  Investor Carrot uses Yoast – an SEO WordPress plugin which is widely considered to be the best available.  Each of their pre-written articles are created to the specifications of that plugin. With this built in SEO Tool it is easy to optimize each page without having to be an SEO expert yourself…

…And, if you want to streamline things they even provide a local SEO Automation process that gives you a jumpstart to help you rank better in your local area.  Investor Carrot is at the forefront of SEO in the real estate investing market.  As proof, poke around the internet and see how many top rankings Investor Carrot members currently hold (and are gaining each and every month).  Their search engine optimization setup is excellent and it can walk you through exactly what you need to do to get your real estate investor website found by the search engines quickly.   This is an awesome attribute, it’s easy and it produces big results.

Here is a video outlining some SEO tips for Investor Carrot Websites

The Best Real Estate Investor Website System For Real Estate Lead Generation

Need leads? Investor Carrot make it easier for you to generate traffic and capture leads!  You’ll be blown away when you see the lead forms, squeeze pages, and everything else they over!  One of the keys to their lead generation is having this very detailed 2-Step optin form process.  This is done via their Contact Form  plugin – Investor Carrot uses Gravity Forms for this.  This is a stand alone plugin that is a $200/yr plugin.  The pre-written forms are excellent, contain auto-responders and the 2-step form process dramatically increases conversions.   Quality motivated seller leads and cash buyer leads are the lifeline of business as a real estate investor.   As great deals get tougher to come by, and sellers are getting bombarded with postcards by dozens of other investors, savvy investors are cutting through the clutter by getting in front of motivated prospects online.

A recent study showed that leads generated through your website and SEO are more than 2x more likely to turn into a deal than leads from offline marketing, PPC, and social.  The Investor Carrot platform is built from the ground up to help you attract motivated house sellers, buyers, and tenants more easily.  Not only that but one of their core focuses is to be an industry leader in the best training and support that can absolutely add rocket fuel to your results that you can get with your investor website. Other members of the Investor Carrot platform routinely say it is worth many times their subscription price alone.

[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’https://davebrown.net/carrot-vsl’ target=’_self’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]See The Case Study[/thrive_link]

Optimized to Convert Your Visitors Into Customers

Investor Carrot’s focus is on getting results. InvestorCarrot members generate over 10,000 leads per month through SEO, PPC, and other traffic sources using the proven Investor Carrot lead Conversion technology and process.  As the leader in the real estate investor industry in online lead generation and conversion they are continually testing and tweaking to improve the results and amount of leads our members get.

Support, Tutorials and Webinars

In addition to all the tutorials, they hold weekly training webinars for members.  These webinars are not for selling, but strictly for teaching members how to better their conversions, increase traffic, generate more motivated seller and cash buyer leads and so much more.  Trevor and the team at Investor Carrot really put a lot of attention towards empowering his current members.

Affordability, Bang For Your Buck and Huge ROI

Pricing Packages – The 3 site package is $99/mo. This is an absolute steal because what you get and what you can do in terms of lead generation will more than pay for itself with the new deals you will generate from the website.  Plus this price also includes the hosting of your real estate investor sites…and this plan comes with CONTENT PRO!  This includes content packs and articles with pre-written fresh SEO optimized content localized for your area each month to broaden your reach in local search results.  This is super powerful and will set you apart from anyone else in your market.

These real estate investor websites are top notch products that are constantly being improved. It’s unlike any other Investor website service I’ve run into and I’ve seen and tried them all…these real estate investor websites are hands down it is THE BEST!  The Bottom line is that the InvestorCarrot website system makes it easy to manage your real estate investing website, generate leads, build credibility, and take control over your online brand and marketing once and for all.

See My InvestorCarrot Video Review Below And Read The Full Review Here…
The Investor Carrot Website Review 

Real Estate Investor Website Lead Generation Systeminvestor carrot websites

  • “SEO Grader” Tools Built In To Help You Optimize Your Sites
  • Powerful LeadPage (squeeze page) Generator To Increase Leads
  • Fully Customizable So You Have FULL Control Over Your Content and Design
  • World Class Marketing Strategy Built Right In (without the hype and fluff)

[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’https://davebrown.net/carrot-vsl’ target=’_self’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]See The Case Study[/thrive_link]


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