How to Choose the Best Real Estate Mentor

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real estate mentor

Thinking of getting into the real estate business? If so, you won’t want to do it alone.

Partnering up with a mentor is a great way to get relevant experience and advice in one of the largest industries out there, generating $158bn per year.

If you’re wondering how to find the perfect real estate mentor, you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few tips to help you pair up with the perfect mentor.

Assess Your Interests

The first step to finding the right mentor is to do a bit of soul-searching. You can start by asking yourself a few simple yet important questions

Why Real Estate?

Everyone has a different reason for entering the market, and there’s no right or wrong reason. Still, you’ll want to understand your motives for joining such a competitive industry. Yes, making money is certainly nice, but think harder.

What Do You Value in Business?

It’s important that you have a grasp on your own personal beliefs and values, as these will shape your business. Furthermore, understanding your own beliefs can help you align with someone who shares those same views.

Where Do You Want to be in a Decade?

Admittedly, this question can be tricky. It’s important to think about your future, particularly since the market is so splintered and varied. Like assessing one’s values, finding a mentor who has achieved your career goals can be invaluable.

Find a Real Estate Mentor That’s Forward-Thinking

When asked what makes him such a strong hockey player, Wayne Gretzky once said, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.”

It’s a simple but profound statement that speaks to the importance of understanding the future.

Real estate and its associated marketing methods change on a pretty constant basis. So it makes sense that you’d want to find a mentor who understands more than just current trends.

You’ll want a mentor who is creative and informed enough to know where the puck is heading, so to speak.

Personality Matters

Success is obviously important. But if you’re going to work with this person closely, it’d help if you got along with them.

Look for a real estate mentor who you like as a person as well as a business person. You should seek out someone you can empathize with and in turn someone who will empathize and understand you.

Find The Perfect Mentor to Teach You The Fundamentals of Real Estate

Finding the right mentor can be quite the challenge. Hopefully, this guide has made the process a bit easier.

Invest in yourself and your goals, look toward the future and work with a mentor you enjoy being around. These may seem like rudimentary pieces of advice, but you’ll be amazed at how much they’ll help.

Speaking of helping, if you’d like to start your career in real estate, you can get in touch with me anytime! I’d love to talk about your goals and how we can accomplish them together.

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