How to use SlideShare for more traffic

Are you looking for an awesome way for you to get start getting more targeted real estate traffic using SlideShare.

linkedin-buys-slideshareSlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing all types of presentations (not just PowerPoint’s). It gets over 50 million monthly visitors and is one of the most visited 250 websites in the world. SlideShare content spreads through blogs and social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

The key here is learning how to create viral traffic (word of mouth) because it is the best traffic you can possibly get. Why; because it spreads like wild fire by getting read and shared and re-shared via email, social media and bookmarking. Here’s a little trick to get tons of eyeballs on your presentation. At the end of the presentation make sure you have a link to your blog, squeeze page or offer- whatever you want. Remember this site gets 50 million views a month so for you not to leverage that free traffic is bad marketing and business. That’s like ignoring the power of Facebook; makes sense right?

It’s quite simple to leverage the power of SlideShare.

Simply create a detailed presentation on a topic in your niche (buyer topic).  In this case you would do a presentation on real estate investing or how you can help motivated sellers.   Make it pretty with pictures and be very detailed. Be creative! Just make sure it’s packed with valuable information. If you don’t engage the reader then you’re wasting your time and that means losing money!

Now once you’ve completed your presentation just upload it to SlideShare. Once you do that you can share your new presentation with all the major social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. You can share your presentation on your main wall on LinkedIn and in all the groups your apart of – this is powerful and will get many visitors to your presentation. Then tweet it on Twitter and post it on Facebook. This alone will get you lots of traffic. But, there is a way you can really kick it up a notch and that’s having your presentation get “featured” on the home page of SlideShare. You can do that by simply having the most views in the say top 10 of presentations for that day.

So you crank up the heat by creating a blog post about it and then you mail your list to check
out your new blog post. To put the final nail in the coffin you can then pay for a little traffic; maybe some Google ppc, a Facebook ad or pay for pay for thousands of visitors for very cheap at

This will get you 1,000’s more visitors to your SlideShare presentation and if you follow this method to the T you will almost every time get “featured” on SlideShare.. Once you get featured on SlideShare then you double your traffic instantly which means more traffic to your offer and more money back in your pocket.

Make sure you actually take action on this as this is a solid gold nugget and start applying it in your real estate business…it’s a powerful marketing tool.