How to Use Real Estate Content Marketing to Your Advantage

content marketing

When it comes to lead generation, content marketing is king. 

In fact, 72% of content marketers reported that their efforts have increased their number of leads.

Want to harness that momentum? Read on to learn how to craft your real estate content marketing strategy.   

The Benefits of Real Estate Content Marketing 

Content marketing drums up a bigger audience, improves your brand recognition and increases sales. Sounds too good to be true, right? 

There is one catch: You have to invest in quality over quantity. 

Whether you’re shooting photos, writing a new blog post or collecting info about local neighborhoods for potential buyers, only the best content will do.

That means that content creation might take a little longer, but by providing real value, you create a loyal audience who will tune in regularly to find out what you have to say.

Start With the Basics

If you’re starting out fresh, there are non-negotiable steps you must take to get your real estate content marketing strategy off the ground.

  • Set up your site. Create a clean, functional website to house your content. There are lots of options for you to choose from, but we recommend WordPress
  • Show up in the search. Use proven SEO tactics to make sure that your potential leads see your name first in search results.  
  • Share and share alike. Build up your presence on social media with regular posts. Just remember, high-value content will inspire the most likes, shares and follows. 


If You Craft It, They Will Come 

Now that you’re ready to start generating content, it’s time to get yourself in the craftsman mindset. Think of your content as a labor of love. Take extra time on it, get feedback from peers and colleagues and always put your best foot forward. No cutting corners.

Pictures Are Worth 1,000 Views

Listings with professional photos grabbed 118% more views than those without. They also sell 50% faster for a price 39% closer to asking.

Quality photos give potential buyers a first look at what you’re offering. It’s usually your listing’s first impression, so dress it up with great lighting, balanced composition, and a clear focus.

You can always shoot your own photos, but if you’re not great behind a lens it might make sense to outsource this one.  

real estate content marketingVR for Real Estate

Videos are becoming an increasingly popular way for buyers to take a first look at a property without leaving their keyboards.

In fact, 99% of buyers age 36 and younger begin the buying process online before reaching out to a realtor or seller.

A clear, concise video is a great opportunity to draw leads in and virtually showcase your offerings.   

Blog About It

Your blog can be the hardest-working part of your content marketing strategy. Choose topics that matter to your audience and bring your best insights to the table.

Remember: SEO may bring more eyeballs to your site, but quality content will keep them there.  

insiders guide real estate wholesaling

Attract Motivated Sellers From Google

Content Marketing Made Simple. You don’t have to be an expert content marketer to generate leads online. Attract off-market highly motivated house / note / and land sellers with the most effective real estate investor websites in the industry. Download your 90 plan, watch the free training, and launch a motivated seller website today! Just choose the type of lead you’re looking to attract, launch that site (in under 8 seconds), customize, then roll!

How to Master SEO for Real Estate Investors

For many real estate investors, SEO simply isn’t a priority. This is a mistake though, as improving your SEO can also massively improve your bottom line. 

SEO for real estate investors doesn’t need to be complicated and time-consuming. We’ve got some tips that are easy to implement, even if you’re an SEO newbie. Let’s get started. 

SEO for Real Estate Investors

SEO is a critical part of any marketing plan. By improving your SEO, you’ll be able to:

  • Rank higher in search engines
  • Attract more visitors
  • Increase conversions.

Here are some things you can do to improve your SEO:

Start with your Domain Name

seo for real estate investors

If you haven’t yet bought your domain name, your first step is to think carefully about this.

You can brand your website with either a location or a name. A location will be more restrictive, and it’s more difficult to market out of that initial area. However, it can also make it easier to reach a specific niche. 

Ideally, you want to choose a keyword rich domain name that immediately tells potential visitors what you do. 

Consider Keywords For Real Estate Investors

Speaking of keywords, if you’ve looked into SEO in the past, you probably already know that these are crucial for SEO.   

Use Google’s Keyword Planner Tool to do some keyword research. The first step is to think like a human- how do you usually search when you type a query into Google? 

You’re looking for keywords which:

  • Are highly searched
  • Have low competition
  • Are related to what your customers would search for

You can download a Keyword Report For Real Estate Investors here.  Get Instant Access the top keywords motivated sellers and cash buyer are actually typing into the search engines.

Focus on Content

If you want to attract leads, you need to provide visitors to your website with relevant, helpful content that will keep them coming back for more. 

Not only does this show the search engines that your website should rank high, but you position yourself as an authority in the real estate niche. This means that visitors will see you as a trusted source when they have a question.

Check your Tags

Google limits your title tag based on pixels. This works out to be around 60 characters. It’s a good idea to try to stay within this limit.

Your images should also be optimized for SEO. Each image should include alt text which describes what the image is in case it can’t be displayed to your visitors. 

Be Mobile Friendly 

In 2015, 44% of Americans used their phones to search for real estate listings or information about a place to live. Mobile search has now overtaken desktop search in the United States, and it’s crucial that your website is mobile friendly.

What does this mean? Your website should be responsive, and its layout should change based on the type of device your visitor is using to access it. Google will soon be penalizing sites that are not mobile-friendly, so now is the time to make the change.

Ready To Use SEO To Grow Your Business Online?  

insiders guide real estate wholesaling

Attract Motivated Sellers From Google

Content Marketing Made Simple. You don’t have to be an expert content marketer to generate leads online. Attract off-market highly motivated house / note / and land sellers with the most effective real estate investor websites in the industry. Download your 90 plan, watch the free training, and launch a motivated seller website today! Just choose the type of lead you’re looking to attract, launch that site (in under 8 seconds), customize, then roll!

The Science of Flipping And Finding Motivated Seller Leads Online

seller leads onlineThis a podcast I had the pleasure of doing with Justin Colby from The Science of Flipping.  In this interview Justin and I discuss how to capture motivated seller leads online and the importance of ranking on Google’s first page.

Finding off-market motivated seller leads online can be tricky, but with a clear plan, the right tools, and support you can have a tremendous amount of success implementing this inbound marketing strategy.

Get Top Google Rankings In Your Market So You Can Get More Sellers Leads Online

The biggest factor to consider first and foremost is do you have the right real estate investor website setup? Here are a few questions to ask yourself when you are getting your investor website setup.

  1. Is is it good at capturing leads
  2. Does it allow you to publish content (pages & posts)
  3. Does it help you rank in the search engines?

Your website should be able to cover all three of those things.  If it doesn’t I’d find solutions that does.  And if you are thinking of setting up your own I would re-consider that as well.   Do you really want to bother with the time it takes to deal with Hosting, domains, webmaster tools, spam, proper formatting, internal and external linking etc.  It can be a very complicated thing so if you struggle with technology this is something you should outsource.

A lot goes into getting a top ranking in Google. Google and the other search engines look at over 200 factors to determine where to rank your real estate investor websites.  I have extensive SEO experience and can help you gain an edge in the search engines and your competition. Use my detailed SEO training to how to find motivated sellers online, my recommended website platform, and you too can start seeing results in 90 days or less.

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Have questions / stuck? I’ll guide you through it. You’re never alone.

Click Here To Schedule A Coaching Call

How To Find Motivated Sellers Online Using SEO

The Step By Step Process To Attract And Find Motivated Sellers Online Using SEO.

If you’re serious and want to find motivated sellers online then you need to start using the right keywords.Keywords are the foundation to marketing online and SEO.  Is SEO Worth It?  

You’ve heard of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and why it’s so important if you want to generate leads and more importantly find motivated seller online. But, my guess is that you are still wondering how SEO works, how to “hack” it so it’s something that you can implement easily without being a “techie”… and how it can help you get more leads and do more deals as a real estate investor.

First Off… let’s tackle the obvious question that we get a lot. Is SEO really going to make a difference for me? Is it worth it to spend time and/or money on it?

I get this question a few times a week. People wanting to know if it’s something they should really focus on or whether they should just forget it and focus on something else. The answer is…”it depends”.

I say “it depends’ because SEO is only worth as much as the keywords you’re trying to rank for. If the keywords (which I’ll explain below… and we’ll give you our in this blog post) that your real estate investor website is ranking for aren’t getting searched much… or they’re getting searched by the *wrong* people… then you’re going to be wasting a lot of time.

If the motivated seller keywords you try to rank your website for are what we call “money terms”… then ranking well for those terms can bring a flood of traffic to your site… and more leads… and hopefully more deals.

So, if you have a strategic plan for which keywords will produce solid motivated seller leads online for you… then YES, SEO can be well worth it. As a real world example, we run a website in the real estate world that gets about 600 – 800 website visitors a month 100% through SEO. We generate about 2-3 opt in leads a day from it. And it doesn’t cost us a dime. Is that something you’d like? Probably.

What Are Keywords Anyway?

keywordsSo, keywords are really a pretty simple concept. Whenever someone goes to Google (or any other search engine) and types something in that they’re looking for… Google delivers search results that it thinks match up to the search term. As an example… if you’re looking for an real estate attorney in your town… you may go to Google and type in “real estate attorney in [your city here]”… or “best real estate attorney in [your city here]”. You get the idea. As far as we’re concerned, that whole phrase that you searched… is a “keyword phrase”.

Basically, you want to find out what your prospect is actually “Googling” to find the solutions you can provide… and you want to use those exact search phrases as the “keywords” you’re trying to rank for on your website.

Relating this to real estate investing… as you’ll see in the keywords swipe file you can download in this article, you can see that the term “we buy houses” (22,000 times a month) gets searched many many many times more than “sell my home fast” (4,400 times a month).  Just a small difference gets 18,000 extra motivated sellers looking up that specific term each month.

That right there illustrates the importance of keywords… and knowing the right keywords to try to rank for. After all… it’s as much work to rank well for a terrible keyword term as it is to rank well for an effective one…so you might as well rank for ones that give you the most leverage. Right?  So how do you find the most effective keywords to find motivated sellers online?

Effective Keywords To Find Motivated Sellers Online

I’d love to say that this step is some hocus-pocus magical formula that only the rich and powerful have access to. But, I’d be lying.  In fact, most of the tools that we use to dig up the keywords we’ll be ranking for are 100% free. You just need to invest a bit of time into learning psychology and how people work to really be a kick butt “keyword sleuth”.

Here are the tools that we use to do our Keyword Research to find motivated sellers online:

The FREE Google Keyword Tool – Just type in a word or a phrase… and it’ll tell you how many times it’s searched each month.  Check out the Google Keyword Tool and Planner Here.

– “Google Search Hack” Method – Basically… Google’s “suggested searches” are a goldmine for actual keywords people are typing into Google.  All you have to do is type a word or phrase into Google…then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see the related searches and keywords.  See image below

Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 11.46.58 AM

What To Do With The Keywords Once You Have Them

The last important step is to actually use the keywords you just got your hands.  This part is simple…but it’s the most mundane and time consuming too.  It’s the part that most people end up quitting before they see any real results.  So, if you are not the type of person who follows through effectively then building a marketing plan with SEO to find motivated seller leads online may not be right for you.

However,  if you don’t mind putting in the time and hard work in exchange for great, long-lasting results then you this can absolutely work for you.

That gets to me the next step.  It’s time to now take those keywords you’ve organized… prioritize on the top keywords you want your site to rank well… and other secondary keywords that you could rank for as well. Generally you want to pick one main keyword phrase that you want your website’s home page to rank for… then let your “internal pages” (your blog posts, pages on your site, etc.) rank for the other keywords.

Now this article is about how to find motivated sellers online but this process is the same for cash buyers and even private lenders too.  As an example, let’s say you have a cash buyer website and you do business in Miami.  One of the most popular keywords that people type in for this is “Investment properties in [city]”… so that would be a safe bet that if you could rank in the top 3 or so results in google for “investment properties in Miami”… that you’ll get leads.  See how it works? So, we’re going to aim your homepage at ranking for that term.

The Keywords To Find Motivated Sellers Online

So I could of just given you all the Keywords to find motivated sellers online right at the beginning of this article but you really need to understand the process and science behind it all.   Plus a lot of GURUS will give you with something useful (but it’s missing the key parts on how to actually do it)… then you gotta buy the thing to see how to do it.  I wanted to give you everything I had in this article…no strings attached.

I want to teach you how to get results with marketing online…whether you use our preferred lead generation website system, our preferred PPC Google Adwords provider, our motivated seller database, our consultations or none of the above it’s okay.  These strategies work.. and they’ll work on almost any other website system you decided to use for SEO.  Just make sure that the system you use is structured for real estate investor SEO…most are, but a lot of the systems offered by Guru’s and trainers are not.

So, we hope the groundwork we’ve laid in this article helps you understand things a little better.

The Keywords…

We’re not saying by any means saying that these keyword phrases to find motivated sellers online are THE ONLY ONES you’ll want to try to rank for. There’s lots of others. These are just some of the main ones that can help you get in front of more motivated sellers.   Oh…and as a special BONUS, we also included the top keywords for cash buyers and private lenders too.  You can thank us later 😉

[thrive_link color=’green’ link=’’ target=’_blank’ size=’big’ align=’aligncenter’]DOWNLOAD THE KEYWORD REPORT NOW[/thrive_link]

Quick tips to help you cut the learning curve and get better results faster.

See the “Local Monthly Searches” column on the keyword swipes? Cool. That column represents the times that search phrase is searched each month with a location (city, state, etc.) attached to it. Globally is simply any time that phrase was included in a search.

Ex: On the motivated seller list… “we buy houses” is searched 27,100 times/month “Globally”… and 22,200 times/month “Locally”. That means, out of the 27,100 times the phrase was searched in total… 22,200 of those searches the person also put a location (city, state, etc.) in the search. Such as… “we buy houses st. louis” or “we buy houses Phoenix”… or “Phoenix we buy houses”. Get it? So, when you see a keyword that has a high “local searches”… that’s a good thing. If you invest in Miami, FL and you want to to rank and get leads from people searching “we buy houses”… you’ll optimize your site for “we buy houses miami”… not just the more broad “we buy houses”. It’ll be easier to rank for “we buy houses miami” and it’ll get you better quality leads. Get it?

So What’s Next?

You can take this training we’ve put together and use it in your business to get more motivated seller leads. Grab the keywords and spend a few hours this week to give your website a solid boost in search rankings using these simple but effective strategies.

I know lots of investors who don’t do or like dong SEO… and they still do a ton deals.  But, you’ll need to drive leads from somewhere… so get to work finding a strategy that will generate leads for you each week. In fact, even if you do put some focus into doing SEO of your website… we HIGHLY SUGGEST that you diversify and don’t just rely 100% on SEO.   The worst number in business is the #1.  Why?  Because if you take that one thing away you have nothing.  You shouldn’t rely on just one method to bring you leads.

Real Estate Investor SEO may or may not get you the volume of leads you need to do a few deals a month (depending on your market and the competition)… so always use a few lead generation strategies at all times to make sure leads are coming into the pipeline.

TOP 3 Lead Generation Strategies To Find Motivated Sellers Online

  1.  Get a real estate investor website that is actually great at capturing traffic and leads.  These are the exact websites I use in my business.  They are built for implementing the SEO strategies I’ve outlined for you above. Click Here To Learn More
  2.  Google Adwords / PPC marketing.   This a great strategy that will bring you deals every month.  I’ve partnered the world’s most effective Adwords campaigns – just for Real Estate Investors.  Start getting high-quality leads today! First Month Free
  3.  Direct mail using the Find Motivated Sellers Marketing Database.  Direct mail is the foundation marketing method for almost all real estate investors. Click Here To Learn More

Finally.  If you have a real estate investor website for your real estate investing business I would suggest that you spend 30 minutes to an hour a day building out new pages, blog posts, videos etc. Content is king and creating content that can be found on the internet is the ultimate form of attraction marketing.

Websites For Real Estate Investors – Which Do I Use?

What Real Estate Investor Website Platform Should I Use?

Are you a real estate investor?  Are you just getting started in real estate investing or wholesaling?  If so, I’m sure you realize you need a website for your real estate investing business.

Are you confused about where to start, what to get, how much to spend and why you choose one website platform over another?

I bet!  There are a lot…I mean a lot of options out there.  So many options that it can be very confusing in deciding what the best solution is.  Not only that, there is a tremendous about of garbage out there too.  A lot website platforms are outdated, not SEO friendly, poor at lead capture and simply just under deliver.   That doesn’t necessarily give you the warm fuzzies, especially when you’re not exactly sure what you need for your real estate investor websites.

I’ve been in the business for 15 years and have been flipping contracts and homes for the last 5 years.  I’ve built over 50 custom real estate investor websites for investor clients and have generated thousands of leads online.   I’m not saying this to boast or brag I’m telling you this because I know a thing or two about websites and marketing online.  I’m an expert and I want you to understand that a lot has changed over the past 3 years and what was cutting edge … is almost pre-historic nowadays.

Websites For Real Estate Investors – Which Do I Use?

There’s a few different options for you to choose from when you’re getting your real estate investor website set up.

Do you have it designed from scratch?  Investor websites

Buy a “template”?  

Or use a service to do it for you?  

These are all viable and great options… it really just depends on your goals, your budget, and how much flexibility you want with your real estate investing website.  For me…leverage, flexibility, and the ability to get found on the search engines and capture a ton of leads are the most important features.

In this article you’ll learn about my friend Trevor and how his team will walk you through the entire process from A – Z on what you should look when building your online presence.  It doesn’t matter if your building your own real estate investor website, buying a real estate investor website template, or using one of the several services out there online (like my recommendation 🙂 that help real estate investors like you better leverage the internet.

[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’’ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Read More Here[/thrive_link]

How To Do Real Estate Investor SEO In 3 Simple Steps

How To Do Real Estate Investor SEO

Congrats, you’ve found the best Real Estate SEO source out there…

how to do real estate seoSearch Engine Optimization can be super confusing, tedious, and even boring but it’s absolutely essential if you want to generate leads from the search engines.   There is a ton of information out there and most of it is contradictory or outdated so I’be put together this page for you as resource to help you get started.

Many marketers online will rely on spamming to build there business. That won’t work. You can look anywhere and find that you will need to learn how to do seo in order to generate organic traffic to your sites. Unless you do a paid marketing strategy. The main difference between paid marketing and organic is that organic is free traffic and it’s more of a long term strategy. Paid traffic is quick hit and only lasts as long as you keep paying for the traffic to go to your website.

If you learn how to do real estate seo you can generate residual organic traffic to your real estate website and get paid months and years on something you did today.

Now THAT is leverage. So, if you are trying to get your real estate website ranked in the search engines then start by implementing some of the steps below.

This is how I got started doing real estate investor SEO and this is where you can begin too.

I learned how to do SEO back in 2010. I had no idea really what I was doing. It just kind of happened by accident. I was making videos and articles and all of a sudden I was getting tons of traffic and leads and making sales.  I really had no idea what was happening…LOL.  I dug in and started to really study the process and discovered there are a few very simple steps involved.

What I will do is break down the 3 SIMPLE steps to properly learn how to do real estate investor SEO.

1. Keyword Research

This is ABSOLUTELY necessary in learning how to do real estate investor SEO.  Keyword research tells you how much traffic a particular keyword gets each and every month. You can go to Google’s free keyword research tool and use that. You want search for a keyword that has plenty of traffic as well as a low to medium competition level. Obviously you can still rank for higher competition levels but lets focus on ranking on the 1st page of google FAST! The tool I recommend is SEMRush.

2. Optimizing your Content

I highly recommend using Yoast.  Yoast is an seo plugin that you can use and it will tell you if your content is structured properly.  This will help you get the proper keyword density as well as tags and everything else. You will use this plugin with your word press blog or real estate website. If you don’t have a word press blog or real estate website then I highly recommend getting one that is self hosted or just use a turnkey system like oncarrot for your real estate website.

3. Backlinking To Your Content

This is by far the most efficient way to drive traffic to your site and get ranked organically in the search engines. You can create backlinks through sites such as , other ping sites and more.   Social bookmarking is huge right now for search engine optimization, you can have that done on  Article marketing and press releases are still one of the best ways to get backlinks to your site. I also use and also recommend The Hoth for this!

4. Repeat I know I only said 3 steps but the fourth step is to just do steps 1-3 all over again with a different keyword. As you continue to do this you will get better. As you get better you will make more money while driving more traffic to your sites.

Want to know More?  Discover Everything Investors Need To Know About SEO

Why You Should Use Investor Carrot Websites

Investor Carrot Websites

Investor Carrot is a well designed real estate investor website platform built off of the WordPress platform.  If you are familiar with WordPress and have used it be you know how easy and powerful it is.  Investor Carrot uses the most important  capabilities of WordPress and helps real estate investors get found on the internet and at the top of the search engines by utilizing the concept of content / inbound marketing.

Here is why you should use Investor Carrot Websites!

Here is rundown of everything that I like about the Investor Carrot Real Estate Investor Website Platform…

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Well Designed Real Estate Investor Websites 

Full Featured Great Looking Real Estate Investor Website or Websites – These websites are not only easy and fast to get up but they look great too.

The websites are designed to convert traffic into leads.  All the content and pages are laid out with purpose and thought, including:  Testimonials, Downloadable Guides, smartly placed contact forms, and very targeted keyword content based off of the organic real estate investor SEO strategies.  The websites are not only elegant but they are also effective and come prebuilt with content that converts.  There are real estate investor investor websites for whatever you need.  Websites for buyers, sellers, multi-family, lease option, and more.  The Investor Carrot / On Carrot websites are optimized for mobile devices!  All InvestorCarrot websites are fully responsive for all screen sizes. Plus, you can receive updates about new real estate leads straight to your cell phone the second they come in.  They’ve designed the websites so it is very easy for you to quickly update your branding, edit 100% of all of the content, build credibility, add videos, pictures, and a lot more.

Real Estate Investor Search Engine Optimization 

Investor Carrot websites are SEO optimized out the gate to help you rank higher for your local keywords.  Ranking well in the search engines for your real estate investing websites can be a complicated thing… but a high ranking could turn into a steady stream of profitable deals each and every month for you.  The marketing methodology is all about real estate investor inbound marketing.  What is inbound marketing?  You can read more about that here.   But in a nut shell it’s all about ranking organically at the top of the search engines by creating content and articles based upon what sellers and buyers are actually typing into the search engines.  Investor Carrot has made this process extremely easier for you.  You see…the real estate investor websites comes with a built in blog and SEO Tools that can help you optimize and rank better in the search engines.  Investor Carrot uses Yoast – an SEO WordPress plugin which is widely considered to be the best available.  Each of their pre-written articles are created to the specifications of that plugin. With this built in SEO Tool it is easy to optimize each page without having to be an SEO expert yourself…

…And, if you want to streamline things they even provide a local SEO Automation process that gives you a jumpstart to help you rank better in your local area.  Investor Carrot is at the forefront of SEO in the real estate investing market.  As proof, poke around the internet and see how many top rankings Investor Carrot members currently hold (and are gaining each and every month).  Their search engine optimization setup is excellent and it can walk you through exactly what you need to do to get your real estate investor website found by the search engines quickly.   This is an awesome attribute, it’s easy and it produces big results.

Here is a video outlining some SEO tips for Investor Carrot Websites

The Best Real Estate Investor Website System For Real Estate Lead Generation

Need leads? Investor Carrot make it easier for you to generate traffic and capture leads!  You’ll be blown away when you see the lead forms, squeeze pages, and everything else they over!  One of the keys to their lead generation is having this very detailed 2-Step optin form process.  This is done via their Contact Form  plugin – Investor Carrot uses Gravity Forms for this.  This is a stand alone plugin that is a $200/yr plugin.  The pre-written forms are excellent, contain auto-responders and the 2-step form process dramatically increases conversions.   Quality motivated seller leads and cash buyer leads are the lifeline of business as a real estate investor.   As great deals get tougher to come by, and sellers are getting bombarded with postcards by dozens of other investors, savvy investors are cutting through the clutter by getting in front of motivated prospects online.

A recent study showed that leads generated through your website and SEO are more than 2x more likely to turn into a deal than leads from offline marketing, PPC, and social.  The Investor Carrot platform is built from the ground up to help you attract motivated house sellers, buyers, and tenants more easily.  Not only that but one of their core focuses is to be an industry leader in the best training and support that can absolutely add rocket fuel to your results that you can get with your investor website. Other members of the Investor Carrot platform routinely say it is worth many times their subscription price alone.

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Optimized to Convert Your Visitors Into Customers

Investor Carrot’s focus is on getting results. InvestorCarrot members generate over 10,000 leads per month through SEO, PPC, and other traffic sources using the proven Investor Carrot lead Conversion technology and process.  As the leader in the real estate investor industry in online lead generation and conversion they are continually testing and tweaking to improve the results and amount of leads our members get.

Support, Tutorials and Webinars

In addition to all the tutorials, they hold weekly training webinars for members.  These webinars are not for selling, but strictly for teaching members how to better their conversions, increase traffic, generate more motivated seller and cash buyer leads and so much more.  Trevor and the team at Investor Carrot really put a lot of attention towards empowering his current members.

Affordability, Bang For Your Buck and Huge ROI

Pricing Packages – The 3 site package is $99/mo. This is an absolute steal because what you get and what you can do in terms of lead generation will more than pay for itself with the new deals you will generate from the website.  Plus this price also includes the hosting of your real estate investor sites…and this plan comes with CONTENT PRO!  This includes content packs and articles with pre-written fresh SEO optimized content localized for your area each month to broaden your reach in local search results.  This is super powerful and will set you apart from anyone else in your market.

These real estate investor websites are top notch products that are constantly being improved. It’s unlike any other Investor website service I’ve run into and I’ve seen and tried them all…these real estate investor websites are hands down it is THE BEST!  The Bottom line is that the InvestorCarrot website system makes it easy to manage your real estate investing website, generate leads, build credibility, and take control over your online brand and marketing once and for all.

See My InvestorCarrot Video Review Below And Read The Full Review Here…
The Investor Carrot Website Review 

Real Estate Investor Website Lead Generation Systeminvestor carrot websites

  • “SEO Grader” Tools Built In To Help You Optimize Your Sites
  • Powerful LeadPage (squeeze page) Generator To Increase Leads
  • Fully Customizable So You Have FULL Control Over Your Content and Design
  • World Class Marketing Strategy Built Right In (without the hype and fluff)

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5 Steps To Optimize Your Real Estate Investor Website

If you have a real estate website then it is essential that you are doing search engine optimization (SEO) and that you are optimizing your real estate investor website.   There is a lot information out there about SEO and its a great way to get organic traffic to your website.

How to Optimize your Real Estate Investor Website

Now THAT is leverage. So, if you are trying to get your real estate investor website ranked in the search engines then start by implementing some of the steps below.  This is how I started and this is where you can begin too.

I learned how to do SEO a couple of years ago. I had no idea really what I was doing. It just kind of happened by accident. I was making videos and articles and all of a sudden I was getting tons of traffic and leads and making sales I had no idea what was happening. The worst part is not knowing how it happens because I then got caught up in the confusion and put a halt to all of my efforts. That is the last thing anyone wants to do in their business.

Here are 5 SIMPLE how to steps on how to optimize your real estate investor website.

1. Key Word Research

This is ABSOLUTELY necessary when doing Real Estate Investor SEO. Keyword research tells you how much traffic a particular keyword gets each and every month. You can go to Google’s free keyword research tool and use that. You want to get a keyword that has plenty of traffic as well as a low to medium competition level. Obviously you can still rank for higher competition levels but lets focus on ranking on the 1st page of Google FAST! You can use the free keyword research tool for real estate investor SEO here, click this link to use this free tool: Google Keyword Research Tool

2. Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin.

This will help you get the proper keyword density as well as tags and everything else. You will use this with your word press blog. If you don’t have a word press blog then I highly recommend getting one that is self hosted.

3. Back Linking

Back linking to your website is by far the most efficient way to drive traffic to your site and get ranked organically in the search engines. You can create back links through sites such as , other ping sites and more.   Social bookmarking is huge right now for search engine optimization, you can have that done on  Article marketing and press releases are still one of the best ways to get back links to your real estate investor website.

Don’t have a website?  Learn which website system you should use here <<

4. Optimize Your Real Estate Investor Website with On Page SEO

On page SEO is very important. It accounts for 20% of your ranking and is the only part of the SEO process you have complete control over. It is worth doing each of the steps below to get the most out of your on page optimization – you WILL have better results because of it. The items listed below by no means constitute everything you can do, it is a solid foundation. We have only included items that in our testing have shown maximum impact for your rankings.

This list can seem like an enormous task to complete for each page on your site. Fortunately if you’re a WordPress user there’s a plugin for that!  The one by Yoast called WordPress SEO is the best.  We currently run multiple in house WordPress real estate investor websites for testing and revenue generation and every one of them uses this plugin. It makes setting up almost all the suggested SEO factors below easy for every post and page on your sites. I highly recommend it: Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin.

All examples use “sell your home” as the primary keyword

  • Its best to have a domain that is keyword rich. Such as or something like that. It is not imperative but it can help.
  • Your main keywords should be placed in the title tag 2 times. (Sell your house using our proven marketing strategies and you’ll sell your house in no time at!)
  • Your main keywords should appear in the in H1, H2 and H3 HTML Tags. The <H1> tag being the most important.  (H1, H2, etc stand for Headings – this is accessible in your page/post editor inside WordPress.
  • Your main keywords should appear near the beginning of the first sentence in each paragraph.
  • Your main keywords should appear in the last sentence of each paragraph.
  • The overall keyword density of each page should be at least 3%, but not more than 5%. This means your main keywords should be at least 3% of the entire post.  Don’t stuff keywords as you will get penalized, make it read and look natural.
  • Using your main keywords as the anchor text you should to link to another internal page on your site at least once on each post. (<a href=””>Sell Your Home</a>)
  • Using your main keywords as the anchor text you should to link out to an authority site at least once in each post with a no follow and “new” target tag. (Wikipedia or another authority domain works fine: <a href=” Market/” rel=”nofollow” target=”_NEW”> Sell your home</a>)
  • Remove all other outgoing links.
  • All images on your site, and each image you add to a page should have an “alt tag” with one of your main keywords in it and the file name should include your keyword. (<img alt=”sell your home” align=”center” src=” content/uploads/2010/10/sell-your- home.jpg” />)
  • Bold, underline AND italicize your main keywords individually at least once on each of your pages.
  • Each content page should be between 800 to 1,000 words in length and “tightly written” around your main keywords.

I know this might seem like a lot of work, but I promise you the couple hours you spend doing this will pay off big-time in the long run!

Your site is now optimized to take advantage of 100% of on page SEO factors. If you have installed YOAST WordPress SEO your SEO score for each page or post should be 100%, if it’s not you missed something.

5. Mobile Friendly and Page Speed

Making sure you real estate investor website is mobile friendly and fast is very important.  These two things matter a great deal to Google so they should matter to you too.  Download a page caching plugin for your real estate investor WordPress website. I suggest configuring caching for your site (I like “W3 Total Cache” for WordPress).  Click here to check if your website is mobile friendly.