Self Discipline – The One Key Element To Living Your Best Life

self discipline running

Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because realizing the reward requires effort. You must sweat and push through pain. You will only get out of it, what you put into it.  I know this sounds cliche but it’s absolutely true. 

Entrepreneurship and achieving your personal goals or dreams is no different..

I re-discovered running about 4 years ago after a divorce. I was looking for an outlet to deal with all the stress and emotions I was going through, so I decided to give running a try.  The last time I ran consistently was back in high school: track and field, cross country and basketball.  But I never fully appreciated how running could shape and inspire my life until I fully embraced its power in my adult life.

It was not easy to pick running back up –  I was definitely not the young and fit specimen I’d been in my youth. I was out of shape and carrying more pounds than I’d like. It was a harsh wakeup call – what had happened to me?  I wanted that ripped body back!

The first run was rough.  The next few runs were brutal.

It was challenging to run 50 meters and a mile seemed like a crazy man’s dream, but I didn’t stop. I realized it was going to be a process.  I acknowledged my condition and understood it would take time to build my strength and stamina back up.  One short run left me with searing lungs and a tight chest, sweat raining down into my eyes. Man, it was not pretty.

So this is what I did…

…Hill sprints.  This is called HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training.  It’s basically a form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods.

Sprinting up hills is by far one of the most fun, effective, and practical methods for improving total body speed and power along with being a very potent stimulus for rapid body composition changes (reduced body fat percentage).

This is exactly what I needed and it worked.

Within 30 days I started running 3-4 days a week…only a mile or two at a time and it was that summer that I ran almost every day and was doing about 15 miles a week.  Yup!  I was HOOKED.  I’m sure you’ve heard of “runners’ high?”  Well, it’s real.  I quickly became addicted to that feeling and my body started reaping the rewards.  I dropped 20 lbs in 90 days and felt great.

Not only was I experiencing a transformation with my body but I was also experiencing a transformation with my mindset and a transformation in my business.   My overall life began to improve dramatically.  My health, relationships, and business all benefited from me running.

Running reveals one key element about success.

Self Discipline: Unlike almost any other form of training, running (especially hill sprints) has a way of making you work hard… once you’ve got your momentum up, you won’t want to lose it, so you’re actually compelled to maintain it or even increase your speed.  The path or hill becomes your coach… you’re compelled to work hard, you’re compelled to improve, you’re compelled to be better, you’re compelled to win…what other exercise can offer this?!?

Self Discipline – Is the key to personal achievement.

Running is considered intrinsic motivation (exercising) and it requires a lot self-discipline.  Exercise is an excellent way to enhance self- discipline.  It can train you to set goals, focus your mental and emotional energies, become physically fit, and help your relationships.  You’ll learn to work hard and strive to do your best, which in turn, will train and teach you to integrate the same mindset and discipline into your everyday life.

You know what else takes a lot of self-discipline?   Entrepreneurship, Being Committed To Your Goals and Never Giving Up On Your Dreams.

Self Discipline is the combination of belief and commitment.

No personal success, achievement, or goal, can be realized without self-discipline.

Having self discipline is all about being able to control your impulses, emotions, desires and behavior.  It’s about doing what you said you were going to do, it’s about doing what needs to be done even when you don’t feel like it.  You have to be committed.

Commitment can be hard….especially when there area doubts, fears, and obstacles. Everyone’s life contains various levels of adversity. It can be scary, and it can seem impossible to overcome. But-

Adversity met with self discipline becomes opportunity.

Life can often be difficult and challenging, but regardless of what life throws your way, you have to able to keep grinding towards your goals.  It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re at… to overcome life’s challenges, you must be committed to doing so. The bad news is, doing so can be scary, and painful. The good news is that you can become a stronger person in the process.

[pullquote align=”normal”]You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” ― Maya Angelou  [/pullquote]

The truth is people don’t give up when things are going well…you don’t need self discipline for that. You don’t give up on exercise the first day you start do you?  It’s only when things get difficult or when motivation slows that people lose the determination or self discipline to continue.

Those who develop and maintain a mindset that adversity is meant to be attacked, rather than feared, are better positioned to win at life because they have built a mindset that pushes them through obstacles instead of turning their backs on them.  Let’s face it….most people just give up.   How many times have you tried to lose weight?  Do you make “New Year’s Resolutions” that you never follow through with?  How many times have you tried to start a business or start whatever?

Let adversity into your life and embrace it.

Realize that no matter the circumstance, situation, or event, it’s only temporary.  Having this mindset will keep you centered.  The more you deal with uncomfortable circumstances the better you’ll be at handling them. This is where your self-discipline will grow and you’ll soon approach everything you want to conquer in life with unyielding determination and motivation because of it.   You’ll develop the mindset of a winner.

There are many important qualities that can contribute to a person’s achievements and happiness, but there is only one that begets sustainable, long-term success in all aspects of life: self discipline. Whether in terms of your diet, fitness, work ethic or relationships,  self discipline is the number one trait needed to accomplish goals, lead a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately, be happy. Source – Jennifer Cohen, Forbes

This why I compare running to life and entrepreneurship. The farther you go, the more challenges you face. In every race or run, you can only run against yourself and your personal best….that’s it.  What other runners and entrepreneurs are doing shouldn’t influence the way you run your own race or your own life.

Decide what it is you want and have the self discipline to just get after it no matter what!

Want To Know How To Start Running?

how to start running

So you want to know how to start running?   It’s often that said that if you want to lose weight exercise but if you want to change your life start running.  I couldn’t agree more!

First and foremost, don’t plan to go too far or too fast right away — if you take this approach right out of the gate you could easily get injured.  Case in point….

I started running  3 years ago after my ex-wife and I separated.   Isn’t it funny how most of us only take massive action in life when it can’t get any worse?   LOL.  I’ll leave that lesson for another day 🙂

Running was a great release for me and it really helped me through that tough time in my life.  After only a couple weeks I found myself running more often than not on a daily basis.   I started out by running hills, doing short 1 mile runs and as I got stronger I started to increase the distance.   Needless to say I felt great!  It was very empowering and I actually started to see results in my body in just a short period of time.

Then one day I mistakenly pushed myself to hard….

I really love running trails!  To me there is nothing like the felling of  running on a trail that meanders through the woods or forest. For me, it doesn’t get any better than that.   One day I just went way too hard and too soon.  I ended up running 7  miles through woods and when I got home my knee was extremely sore and it started to give out over the next few days and it got much worse over the next couple months.

Don’t ask me why I run…ask yourself why you don’t

I didn’t run much after that, my knee would randomly give out from time to time and I convinced myself it was just a pulled muscle or something.  But who was I kidding?  I knew it was more than that.  After a 3-4 months I made the decision to get it checked it out.   One trip the doctors and one bad prognosis, I tore my meniscus.   I was so upset!  I found something truly special, something I absolutely loved, something that how to start runningkept me focused, motivated, and calm.   I know what you’re saying…”I should of had it checked out sooner”.  You are right and if I did I would of been running again in no time.  Long story short,  I didn’t have the surgery for another month or so and between that and the cautiously conservative recovering time it ended up being almost 18 months  before I got started running again.

This is exactly how I got started running again and how you should start too.

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When you’re just getting back into running after a long time off or if you’re a beginner, it’s not necessary to worry about how many miles you are doing.  Instead make how often you run and how the number of minutes the priority instead.  Once you get into a routine you’ll start to get stronger both mentally and physically.  It won’t be that long before you realize that you can go much further in the same amount of time than before.   It’s at this point that you increase your workout time and or start transitioning to doing 2-3 miles a day.   Perhaps you can start putting some running drills into your workout as well to increase your strength and endurance.

Start for 20 minutes at a time, three times per week. Gradually increase the amount of time you’re running and the number of days you run, but do not increase either until you feel comfortable completing your current level of training. If 20 minutes is too much, don’t be afraid to take walking breaks.

I’m also a big proponent of interval training.  Interval training is training or running in a way that involves a series of low- to high-intensity exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief.   You can easily apply this to running by doing a combination of walk, jog, run.   If you’re a beginner and you find you can’t run continuously for a even a short distance walking is fine, but then get up to a jog, then sprint as long as you can and repeat the process.

Interval training is a great way to train and get your strength up quickly.  In just a couple weeks you’ll be much stronger and be running much longer.  Self Discipline is the key, be consistent and persistent in your approach.

Once you get hooked (and you will) make it a point to run 10-15 miles a week or 2-3 miles a day with the ultimate goal being to get to 15 miles a week consistently.  Got get it!

The Power of An Accountability Partner

the power of accountability

If your looking to create success in any business or really any area of life, one of the biggest things you can do is create a system for accountability and get an accountability partner.

An accountability partner is a person who coaches another person in terms of helping the other person keep a commitment!  So let me ask you….

Do you have someone who pushes you?  If not you should.

An accountability partner can come in any shape or size. It could be a paid business coach. It could be a friend from childhood. It could be a random stranger you met on Facebook a few years ago .  Whoever it is, make sure they can actually help you accomplish your goal.  They should be able to help you stay committed and responsible in reaching your goals.

And as a partner you should be helping THEM stay committed and responsible for meeting their goals.

They push you, you push them!

This could be a study partner or a workout partner.  Some form of accountability from another person that would force you to take action towards your goals and dreams.

The act of accountability is to assist you along your journey to success. It requires you to accept responsibility for your actions and to stay true to your commitments. People who are unaccountable make excuses, put things off and never reach their goals. They create a negative energy for the only purpose of deflecting the root cause of the problem… themselves.

Have you ever had a personal trainer?

If you never have, I’m sure there was a time you had a workout schedule that you never did.   You put it off until “tomorrow”.  We’ve all been there…

But if  had a workout scheduled, and had a personal trainer or person there you’d probably get that workout done….RIGHT?  That’s why having an accountability partner can be so beneficial.   Coaches, mentors, and trainers can make great accountability partners but I think the best accountability partner is someone who is at the same level as you are, someone who is as equally committed to success in whatever endeavor you are both doing.

It doesn’t matter what it’s for.  It could be for school, the gym, work, running, or if you have a home based business.  In business, especially if you’re self employed –  you should absolutely have an accountability partner and here’s why:

I’m self employed and one of the things that I think we lack most is accountability. Many of us don’t have an office to go to. We don’t have a supervisor to report to. We don’t have to show any what we are doing, our numbers or our results.

We don’t have to!  If we take a day off, no one’s gonna know.  So with that being said…

One of the key principals I’ve seen successful people do is that they find an accountability partner, a workout partner…they find someone who is on a similar path, similar trajectories, similar goals, and they push you. They don’t allow you to do less than you’re capable of doing, and you do the same for them.

accountability partner for business and lifeWhen you find an accountability partner who is at a similar level as you are you’ll be more authentic with that workout partner because you’ll probably share the same goals and have the same objectives.

Perhaps its someone in your organization that you’ve met at an event, or it’s someone in your local market.  Maybe they’re a competitor, a friend, or romantic partner that you develop a relationship with and you push each other, you hold each other accountable, you challenge each other.  You don’t allow the other person to accept less than what they’re capable of. You be that coach that believes in them and they are the coach that believes in you. You check in with each other daily, weekly, monthly, and you hold each other accountable.

This has worked for me and it works very well for many of the successful people who are building their own businesses so I’m sure it will work well for you.

So go out and find that accountability partner, someone who hold your feet to the fire when it comes to do taking daily action towards your goals and dreams.

If you have a lot of self discipline you can hold yourself accountable, but if not, may be beneficial to have an accountability partner along the way!